Inform 7 Extension Search is closed

Please use the Inform 7 Public Library instead!

Due to updates and improvements in both Inform 7’s website and Inform 7 itself, the service at has become both redundant and outdated. So, it has closed its doors.

To look for extensions for your Inform 7 project, please use the “Public Library” feature of the Inform 7 IDE. You can view it by clicking the “Extensions” side-tab of either pane of your project’s window, and then the “Public Library” tab at the top of the same pane, like so:

A screenshot of the Inform 7 IDE with the Public Library visible in the rightmost pane.
A screenshot of the Inform 7 IDE with the Public Library visible in the rightmost pane. was written and maintained by Jason McIntosh, and ran from 2011 through 2019. Thank you for visiting, and best wishes for your Inform 7 project!